Videos may make or break your business. While a professionally created video can increase conversion on your landing page by 80%, a badly produced video can also leave a bad impression on your viewers.
Videos lead directly to purchases. Studies have revealed that 74% of visitors who watched an explainer-video about a product also bought it. In fact, you would be thrilled to know that most businesses consider product videos to be a great way to pull in consumers.
Let’s explore how you can use videos to expand your business.
Establish Credibility
Videos have become so invaluable in modern marketing. The focus of marketing has been shifting to video and isn’t going to slow down anytime soon. Video has quickly become one of the top ways of establishing trust, building real connections, positioning yourself as the “go to” expert and growing your community.
“Content that is presented through video engages users and positions you as an expert.”
It is not surprising to come across an entirely new generation of YouTubers who have become the most influential social media ambassadors for promoting new brands as well established ones. This observation alone should be able to pique your interest enough for you to strongly consider leveraging video into your marketing strategy
Videos help to foster trust and when you are using social marketing for your business, trust is THE most important ingredient.
Thanks to video marketing, companies can actually show how a product works to gain the trust of potential customers and a recent study has shown that 57% of consumers report that videos boosted their confidence for making a purchase on the internet.
When optimizing your video content on YouTube, make sure you add interesting descriptions and titles that pertain directly to your search criteria. You should also insert a link back to your services, products not just your homepage. It is important that you encourage your potential customers to take the next step.
Another interesting finding reveals that mobile and video can go hand in hand. Nearly 78% of Video Content is screened Via Mobile Devices. Naturally, mobile video views have grown incredibly over time. People are on the move and their mobile device is always in hand… more and more users turn to their smartphones for watching videos.
Video Engages Even the Laziest Buyers
Videos are on the the best tools for learning, so creating “How To” videos for your products will be an excellent way to continually engage your audience. Most users don’t like to read long or detailed posts, manuals or articles. Video is the best tool to connect with your customers who are too lazy or don’t have time to research and read (which is most people). According to findings form Insivia.com, 51% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI.
Bottom Line
Creative video marketing works and most businesses should be including it in to their new business generation strategy. If you would like to discuss how we can help you develop your strategy… give us a call. 412-212-7071